
Managing an Affiliate Program

When the affiliate program is ready for action, merchants need to manage the program which allows them to:

  • Screen the activities of the affiliates
  • Look at the performance of the affiliates
  • Break down the success of the affiliate program

Most of these management activities are finished using affiliate programming. The product provides an interface for the merchants to screen and record all the important information for the program appraisal. The product likewise allows more authority over affiliates, links, and all the program activities.

KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)

Key performance pointers (KPIs) are measurable qualities used in different parts of online marketing, just as in maintaining a business as a rule. Their fundamental job is to show the success of accomplishing business goals. KPIs allow a company to measure and think about the performance and whether that performance empowers the company to achieve its goals.

In affiliate marketing, the goal of KPIs is to measure the success of affiliate marketing strategy and whether this strategy satisfies. This is imperative, particularly with regards to broad affiliate programs that have many affiliates. If you are running a program for some time now, all things considered, the quantity of affiliates has been growing after some time. Be that as it may, not those affiliates are beneficial, nor do they all convey to the general success of your affiliate marketing.

There are several KPIs you can analyze when managing an affiliate program, and the choice of which ones to monitor sometimes depends on the type of program you are running.


Traffic created through affiliate links speaks to the quantity of clicks that started from the affiliate sites. The increase of traffic is the main insights that will be knock up when affiliate links are set on other site or blogs. Before creating any sales or conversions, you will see traffic starting from these links.

While this KPIs is critical and expected to grow, it doesn’t really imply that you will get any value from it. Here are the reasons why:


Seeing a lift in rush hour gridlock in your site investigation does not generally need to be something to be thankful for. The main reason for this is spam. Regarding site traffic, spam is unessential traffic, regularly caused by bots, which can genuinely destroy your information in site investigation. You may acknowledge affiliates in compliance with common decency to join your program, but not every one of them have the right to be a piece of this program, so make sure you monitor the statistics for referral spam traffic.

Irrelevant traffic

If the affiliate is focusing on the wrong audience and promoting your site to the people who have no enthusiasm for it, you may see traffic, but it won’t result in any changes. Truth be told, it will most likely increase your ricochet rate, which will impact SEO.

Inability to convert

Regardless of whether the focusing on works superbly and you see that visitor counter raising each day, transformation may at present be difficult to reach since you are not able to change over the visitors.

Have in mind that traffic you get from the affiliates may include visitors who have never known about your image, so the landing page must be instructive and engaging to make sure you convert them. Other than landing page structure and content, versatile streamlining is another perspective you should consider here.

Average activity percentage

This rate speaks to the quantity of active affiliates amid a specific period. It is advisable to dependably utilize one period while computing the movement rate so as to look at the activities amid different periods.

For instance, if you accept one month as a period you will monitor, you can perceive how the action changes in the course of the most recent a while. Numerous factors can influence this action. A few affiliates may focus on themes that are famous amid a specific period of the year, for example, summer. You may see higher movement rate amid the months when you offer rewards, etc.

In all, this KPI encourages you gauge the patterns related to affiliate activities and the benefit you can generate through affiliate marketing amid different parts of the year.

Number of Affiliates

The number of affiliates legitimately shows how popular your program is. What it doesn’t propose is its success or the benefit got through such a program. One of the essential goals of affiliate marketing management is the promotion of the program and engaging as many new affiliates as possible.


The pace at which you select new affiliates also shows how successful your methodology is. Having more affiliates implies more exposure online and all the more new potential sales generated through these affiliate links.


It might seem redundant to call attention to changes as KPI because sales for the most part are transformations. However, a transformation can be a lot of things for different merchants, and some of them may pick pay per change remuneration show as opposed to PPS. This metric essentially demonstrates the ideal activity performance. While that can be sale, it can also be a lead, an information exchange, rounding out a study, etc.

To calculate the proportion at which you accomplish transformations, compare the general traffic with the quantity of changes. What this rate says is the means by which successful you are at picking up transformations.

Affiliate and Merchants

In affiliate marketing, this success at getting conversions is shared between the affiliate and merchants. On one side, we have affiliates who are in charge of alluding focused on, significant traffic through their promotion of affiliate links. If they are successful at this, they are destined to increase the quantity of conversions.

Then again, we have merchants who need to change over the visitors through a viable landing page. In any case if it is an information exchange page or a product page, the main goal of this page is to change over, which is the reason the structure of the landing page merits a unique consideration. Together, their effort is the thing that contributes to the increase of conversions.

The main goal of these KPIs is to assess the performance of the affiliate marketing strategy. However, if you have an affiliate manager assigned to deal with the program usage and promotion, KPIs can be an incredible method to assess the manager’s performance and how successful the person is at this task.

Communication Methods

Communication with the affiliates will be one of the regular tasks merchants will have while dealing with an affiliate program. This communication can be partitioned into two fragments:

Ongoing communication

While automated communication can spare you a great deal of time with predesigned templates, continuous communication requires your quick consideration. This sort of communication includes email correspondence with the affiliates that is strange example. It requires the merchant to address a specific issue and provide answer for a circumstance that may be one of a kind, unforeseen, or strange.

Here are a few kinds of email that are included here:

  • Response to question
  • Response to a proposal
  • Feedback email

Good Communication

Communication is a critical part of working together online, particularly when you realize that the message you type is the best way to impart, not at all like genuine communication where signals and non-verbal communication can say considerably more than words. This is the reason you need to develop communication as a basic skill to cooperate with the affiliates who are a part of your program.

  • Brevity – Use as few words as possible to pass on the message and to provide enough pertinent information and subtleties to the message beneficiary.
  • Actionable – Your reaction and ideas should be completely actionable if you need to solve an issue or a problem successfully.
  • Personalization – Make each message individual, regardless of whether it is a template email. Make your affiliate feel uncommon and recognized.
  • Practicality – It is the nature of being there at the opportune time. When you have an email from an affiliate, attempt to respond as swiftly as would be prudent.
  • Accuracy – Your emails should be totally exact and on point. This is a normal for a professional approach.

Albeit the majority of the communication is normally done through email, different channels for communication with the affiliates can also be used, for example,

  • Instant messenger
  • Social media
  • Interior informing administration
  • Phone

Automated Communication

An affiliate program is managed through a product, and this product for the most part has mechanized communication features that allow you to make templates and send them out when they are activated. For instance, when an affiliate is acknowledged to an affiliate program, an appreciated email is consequently sent.

  • The main normal for this sort of communication is that it is:
  • Predesigned – You make messages in advance, some of the time a long time in advance.
  • Mass – a similar email template is sent to the majority of the affiliates.
  • Scheduled – Each email template is sent based on a specific trigger, for example an activity that requires that message to be sent.

Managing Affiliates

To ensure the success and productivity of your affiliate program, you will also need to manage affiliates. This implies you should monitor and dissect the performance of the affiliates and how they contribute to your goals.

Begin by dividing affiliates into gatherings:

  • Tenderfoots – These are the affiliates who have as of late joined your program, and they may require an additional hand with ways they can promote you and increase their bonus.
  • Regular affiliates – These are affiliates you are regularly working together with, and they show moderate success. You should need to offer some special deals or coupons to persuade them to increase their performance.
  • Super affiliates – These are the affiliates you need to keep. Furthermore, you most likely need to grant them with better commission rates or other special advantages. Super affiliates are typically a part of your program for some time and they generate a great deal of conversions. Some of the time merchants can have one affiliate who may be represented more than half of the affiliate sales.
  • Deceitful affiliates – Since these affiliates utilize false strategies and fake performance, you should distinguish and restrict them from your program.
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